27 April – 1 June
Opening 26 April 6pm
The exhibition MIKMAK presents objects, bodily forms, and natural elements distorted, magnified, combined and transformed into wildly-coloured, textured, opulent and glittering forms. The enigmatic title MIKMAK is a Dutch word similar in meaning to the English mishmash. It also operates as an abbreviation of micropsia-macropsia, a pair of neurological conditions affecting perception. For those who experience micropsia, objects appear diminished in size, while in macropsia, objects appear magnified. The exhibition draws inspiration from the curator’s own experiences of micropsia and macropsia, presenting an unsettling, phantasmagorical aesthetic in which body, identity and self are shown as labile and provisional, in a permanent state of becoming.
Artists: Chris De Rosa, Chelsea Farquhar, Simone Kennedy, Michael Kutschbach, Louise Meuwissen
Photography Sam Roberts
Catalogue Essay Michael Newall Dictionary of MIKMAK