The Big Sleep, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Horizon, 200, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Memory Loss, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Piggyback, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Baby Doll, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Silent Marker, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Red Hot Ball of Desire I, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
School Perimeter, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Red Hot Ball of Desire II, 2000, oil on linen, 75 x 83 cm
Lifeline suite of nine paintings, 2000, Installation, GAG Projects (Formerly Greenaway Art Gallery)
Lifeline suit of nine paintings expanded, 2000, Installation
Lifeline suite of nine paintings expanded, 2000, Installation
Lifeline original doll, 2000, Installation
Lifeline original doll, 2000, Installation
Lifeline work in progress, 2000, Installation