Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation
Re-imagining the Mother, Free Flight II, 2015, steel assemblage, auto paint, 200 x 200 cm
Free Flight II, 2015, assemblage, auto paint, 200 x 200 cm
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation, dress element beaded in Braille Seed beads, sequins, flies, gossamer, wool, paper, dimensions variable
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation, Mother's brain, paper, wool, mixed beads, gossamer, sequins, 17 x 15 x 15 cm
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation, Gossamer, cotton, flies,
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation
Re-imagining the Mother figure, 2015, SASA Gallery Installation