The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) Visiting Artist in Residence 2021


STAGE 3 Urchin Pilgrimage to Imago

1-26 Psycho-Social Assets

Urchin is a loop animation exploring inter-generational trauma and emotional regulation.

Pilgrimage to Imago (Journey to the mother/’self’/fly) is an open, ongoing project in 26 stages (13 in Australia and 13 in the UK). Together the stages extend a strong psychoanalytical context to the building of a symbolic primordial mother figure, idealised across a range of media. The residential program within and without the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and its archival heritage will foreground embodied objects, titled, Tools for Life, (‘Psycho-Social Assets’) which correspond to five main sections of the figure, (head, upper torso, lower torso, legs and wings). The sum of its parts will reflect key distinctions and patterns of lived experience and information gathered through the learning nature and deep layers of the Institute.

Watch animation video